速報APP / 生活品味 / Best Filtered Web Browser: SPIN Safe Bro

Best Filtered Web Browser: SPIN Safe Bro





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:2900 - 550 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 0A3 Canada

Best Filtered Web Browser: SPIN Safe Browser(圖1)-速報App

#1 Internet Filter for Android Devices

Use SPIN Safe Browser to block pornography, inappropriate content, and keep Bing.com, Google.com and Yahoo.com web and image searches safe. SPIN also makes the most popular video searching platform safer by automatically invoking its Restricted mode. Recommended by many users on NoFap forums!

Lock in SPIN - make SPIN your default web browser

Best Filtered Web Browser: SPIN Safe Browser(圖2)-速報App

SPIN Safe Browser can be enhanced by Boomerang Parental & Screen Time Controls (designed for families with kids) or Manage SPIN Safe Browser (designed for self-regulating adults.) With these products or even with any free App Blocker, you can block other browsers locking in SPIN Safe Browser.

Tip: Make SPIN Safe Browser your default Android browser

Follow the steps here: https://goo.gl/cF2aTo

Best Filtered Web Browser: SPIN Safe Browser(圖3)-速報App

Highly Rated and Loved by Users

SPIN is a fully featured web browser with integrated internet filters that even blocks the grey area of websites that are normally good but are prone to bad content. Even VPN apps cannot bypass our filtering; great for schools using Android devices.

❤️Feedback - tell us about your experience with a review or emailing us at support@nationaledtech.com.

Best Filtered Web Browser: SPIN Safe Browser(圖4)-速報App

Try our new Chrome Extension - SPIN Safe Browsing: Web Filter for Chrome

Available on the Chrome Web Store and providing the same filtering technology from our SPIN Safe Browser to Chrome. Get it here : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/elebdopnkeckgfhkeeefmpmjjglandmi/publish-accepted?authuser=0&hl=en-US


Best Filtered Web Browser: SPIN Safe Browser(圖5)-速報App

► Nothing to configure - web content filtering and safe search just works

► No Login or Signup required

► No Incognito (Private Browsing) mode

Best Filtered Web Browser: SPIN Safe Browser(圖6)-速報App

► We Listen, love feedback and will block the grey area of sites that are prone to pornography and unblock sites that are good but are accidentally blocked since some robot was just not that smart!


SPIN Safe Browser is currently available only in English

Best Filtered Web Browser: SPIN Safe Browser(圖7)-速報App

Support and Questions: support@nationaledtech.com